I’ve had the pleasure of working on many impactful projects with very talented people.

I’ve worked on everything from 0 to 1 products to guidelines that help stakeholders build into existing features. Here’s a quick overview of some of my capabilities and work.

Defining a product area *

Tasked with creating new revenue lines and helping creators connect more intimately with fans, I helped set up a 50 person team that incubated 3 new products that help creators make a living and brought in new revenue streams for Spotify.

* password protected due to NDA

Incubating new fandom products *

Taking a product from 0 to 1 is an invigorating, sometimes stressful process. I’ve done it a number of times and always enjoy the rollercoaster of success and failure that teaches you so much. Research is your best friend when you want to innovate and iterate quickly.

* password protected due to NDA

Improving existing products

Sometimes products need makeovers that improve the experience for customers. I’ve reworked a variety of existing products by using research to inform which features to focus on, and UX best practices to ensure the product was delivering on customer needs.

Capturing sources of truth *

There’s a lot of messiness in creating something new. But eventually a product or feature needs rules so people know how to use it and build into it correctly. Guidelines are a way to document that truth, and I’ve created a lot of them.

* password protected due to NDA

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Let's work together ✴︎